Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Treadling in place

At this point in Winter, one gets a bit weary of surviving the cold, clearing snow, managing small household glitches ( snowmelt dripping indoors), feeding the insatiable wood box every hour or so, hanging laundry inside, wearing layers of warm clothes.... But I'm not complaining. Not really. We have plenty of clothes, an adequate amount of wood, our washing machine works, cooking and baking help warm the house.... It just seems like this time of the year, we spend a lot of time just staying in place, like treading water. It's a good skill to have. Its also a good time of year, to have a sewing machine, so I can treadle in place, too.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snowy Groundhog Day

We have an official snow day today to celebrate Groundhog's Day. It's a good day to hibernate!